"in times of trouble, may the LORD answer your cry. May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm." --ps. 20:1
that is not only a true statement, but a promise. dude, i serve, love, and know a king. not just some dude, but the KING of all things, seen and unseen. He's not only just, knowing, strong and creative, but His very nature demands a never-ending love for His children. yeah, that's my Dad!
i was made for this moment. each day i intently desire to acknowledge Christ's authority on the throne, His creative and giving nature, and praise Him for the fact that HE IS. yesterday and today i have been totally rocked, humbled, and amazed at this very fact. i have three vivid instances in the past 24 hours that will forever be engraved into my heart. the Word clearly says "meditate on My teachings" and i am hekka gonna do it!
epic # 1.
four girls. driving on a winding road towards town. start smelling engine, check gauges light pops on, and internal temperate skyrockets to "warning" red. pull over to the side of the road, pop hood, check levels. four girls sticking their hands outside the car or standing on the side of the road (or crossing and almost getting hit!) with their cell phones trying to get reception. twenty cars go by. no cell reception. two very loud, "God! This is bad, we need your help, and we need it now!" and another 5 cars pass. then, the very man that was prayed for in the groanings of the heart shows up. not only shows up, but fixes car, offers to follow into town, and proceeds to give numbers of who to call and what to do. and then drives into the sunset on his white steed...also known as his Chevy truck.
dude. God provides. Ps.20:1. i started to cry, because the Lord heard me.
epic # 2.
"want to go biking at Point Raise?" umm, heck yes i do! sunny, warm, and breezy = perfection. well, never did make it there. take a trip into town for bikes and of course, Mitchell's fave, In&Out (eww!), start heading to Point Raise only to get stopped halfway there because apparantly a bad accident involving, of all things, a milk truck flipping over (cali cows are not happy today!) was overtaking the roads. so we turned around and hit up a legit place where massive stones for climbing, viewing and photographing were. unfortunately, we ignored the fence there...and the owners weren't too happy. they explicitly told us. oops. but we hit up a couple of seaside towns, in search of coffee (fail.) but ended up going off the traveled road to this mystical, surreal old grove reserve. kinda sketchy when i found this ritualistic fairy circle, complete with animal skulls, talismen and shelter...but God's beauty & simply His name overshadow any fear.
best part of the day -- simply talking straight up about sins, depravity, and passion with mitchell & luke. im excited for Mitchell's ministry aspirations as he is being called to raise up a generation of men to be warriors, fighters, and MEN for this King we serve named Christ.
epic # 3.
star studded sky. crashing tidal waves. uninhabited cove. mass rocks. sandy beach. blazing fire. roaring sound. intense conversation. gummy fish. joyful laughter. stillness. desires made known. passions rekindled. awkward moments. new memories made. incoming tide. star tripping. falling down in the ocean. wet pants from laughing so hard. good kind of tired.
this night reminded me of how God reveals Himself. to me, i see Him as simply lavishing me with His love. i stood on a rock tonight with the waves crashing around and on it, looking out into the ocean with only the stars lighting my view, and hearing the roar and the pounding of the surf, it was as my entire being was crying out to its Creator, as if it finally was realizing what and who it was made for. i could not, not sing. my heart simply was in awe of the One who made that moment. and i still get tears in my eyes for being allowed to experience it. not only that, but i realized tonight that these people are going to be the ones that forever shape my life, as i in the past month have grown and experienced more than i have in my entire life. its a never-ending desire to know more, experience more, seek more, and find more. through their lives, their example, and their words, i am finding out my quest. i am so thankful to be here. we chatted tonight about "if you could be anywhere, where would you want to be right now, and what would you be doing?" and i? well, i had no words, because my soul, every fiber of my being, was simply praising the Lord for bringing me HERE, and bringing me into the place where I KNOW i am to be.
"let all that i am, praise the LORD; with my whole heart, i will praise His holy name." ps. 103:1
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