Tuesday, April 19, 2011

'stache it all.

when professors give you papers,
when the snow begins to fall,
when your eyes are getting droopy,
and you've done nothing yet at all.
and it's only 10 AM
your second cuppa joe is down,
you've only three more hours
till you gotta hit the town.
there's little you can do
cause you did it to yourself
and now the clock is ticking
and patience is running out.
thats when a good ole mustache
answers your pity call
so when you're feeling unmotivated
just simply 'stache it all!

Love from the lentils (and from my newly acquired facial hair!)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

soul music, red-rimmed glasses, and a plant named Sebastian.

someone once told me, "when life get's comfortable, prepare to move."

i'm adding my own version.

"when you desire comfort in life, you're buying your ticket for the unknown destination train."

this is the life i love. this is the life i lead. this is the life that likes to kick me to the curb, and then run over my brand new Chacos, just for kicks. does any one else feel this way? as if you take two steps forward, one step back, and then realize all the while that your headlamp is out of batteries? i cannot imagine my life any other way.

yet, i look around our apartment, the good ole T202, and think, "is this it?"
(though i admit, i do love the twinkling christmas lights, louis armstrong playing in the background, and the smell of fresh homemade bread in the oven.)

i'm feeling that itch again. like there is something missing, some place i'm missing out on, some other life i was meant to lead. i hear the wind rattling my window panes as i sit and type paper #201993939-84q (why is there a "q" in there?), and my heart begins to ache so badly i thinking i need to find some Bayer. i like the mystique of tributing this "inner spirit" to my Native American heritage, but then i begin to sound like i'm from a Disney movie, so I instead begin to analyze why, so frequently, I find my heart tearing at its strings, and I feel the inner ache of "something more."

did i mention i'm looking to leave washington? as i was putting my brand new WA license plates on Hannibal, i was also running through my checklist in my mind -- "call references. submit grad school application. check on transcripts. find out what an odyssey III is. try to convince my boss not to hate me." oh, the lists. my good friend ken once said, "christa, the thing that stuck out to me in this book was the part where the company made a 'not to do' list. you need to put 'making lists' on your 'not to do list.'" not only did i think this was extremely oxymoronic, but also similar to cutting off my right hand. "if your right hand causes you to sin, it is better for you to cut it off..." paraphrased, Jesus.

oh dear. good bye, right hand.

do you think dissatisfaction is a sin? be honest with me.

sometimes i wonder. do i really understand this concept of faith, trust, love & Jesus? of course not. but do i understand where i need to pursue understanding? i'm not sure. see, i think i have a grasp on where i need to be working with Jesus in aspects (so many. truth.) of my life, as He continues to refine and define who i am as His child...and yet, what if, i am completely off kelter where i actually am? i think that's where the voice of Christ infiltrates and guides through daily devotion and pursuit of Him, and where questions are answered, fears are eliminated, and satisfaction is completed...

ahh. maybe its not the wind tugging at my heart, afterall.

blessings and peace, dear ones.

"Then I said, 'Here I am...I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart." -- Ps. 40:7-8

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Engagement Frock Grosgrain Giveaway

The Engagement Frock Grosgrain Giveaway

For those of you who love creativity, sewing, or anything classy & chic...

... you should probably check out this incredible site. not only is the author a talented seamstress and an overall fashion guru, but she is incredibly gorgeous as well, and her products of tangible art sewn by thread and a bit of love are unique and adjustable to make your own.

check it out, folks! ( when i get home to my sewing machine, watch out!)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

there and back again: a wanderer's tale.

a good friend asked me when i was going to write a book.
i laughed.
and then became very serious.

because, the art of writing, at least for me, is a very serious business indeed.

if i could give up either books or all other sources of media (television, internet, music, etc), i would gladly toss ole B.A. & Murdock (my MAC & PC) to the curb and retire Stella for life (Stella is my iTouch). books are that important to me. even more so, it is what occurs within the pages of those books that truly ignites my passion. i think Jeb Dickerson understood what books can do for us when he said, "Writing is my time machine, takes me to the precise time and place I belong." Within musty borders of a binding lies lands unknown, travels yet taken, and loves yet lost and found. it is refuge and reward, triumph and toil paced between readings. writing is not just an art, but a revelation of the soul. E.B. White was right -- "Writing is both mask and unveiling."

i think that is why the idea of pursuing anything longer than a letter or an assignment for a class is a task truly daunting. to "write" something is beyond an outpouring of clever tales...it is part creativity, part reality, and mostly gumption for baring self and soul within phrases and paragraphs.

if i was to write a book.
possibly, it may take a title similar to Bilbo's epic narrative of his journey through Middle Earth.

thought i do not live a life as adventurous as that hobbit, perhaps the words of Tolkien mirror the adventurers of my heart, or rather the ache that Bilbo feels after returning from that journey...as if the life he leads never truly satisfies what once was known, or what still awaits. i think i can understand his plight...and his amazement at feeling such a way.

another good friend once called me "wonderchild." i often ponder this, questioning if i truly live up to that name. yet, it stirs my heart as i mull over the idea of writing a book...and i think within the name, i find something to write. i have lived the life of a "wanderer" these past few years, searching for adventure, for love, for places unknown, and for lives i have yet to learn from...and a taste of wandering has only whetted my appetite for more. yet, more questioning has sparked inside my soul, and a yearning for something more concrete. it is in these questioning times that i have seen the peace of Christ transcend all opposition and cunning craft of the Enemy...and i find myself left in awe and wonder.

so perhaps... that title should be changed to "a wonderer's tale"...because it is in the wonder that i think i would have something worthy to write.

but until then, i believe Vladimir Nabakov said it best.

"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible."